It’s Thursday. There are 431 days until the presidential election. Dank Brandon’s administration moves on weed, the turtle ain’t looking so good and Rudy starts to taste justice.
It’s Wednesday. There are 432 days until the presidential election. Tennessee Republicans hate kids, Big Pharma is big mad and the Proud Boys find out.
It’s Tuesday. There are 433 days until the presidential election. Trump says March isn’t so good for him, Biden unveils 10 drugs Medicare can now negotiate and Tennessee Republicans can’t stop being a-holes.
It’s Monday. There are 434 days until the presidential election. Matt Schlapp might be a HUGE creep, Fox News almost apologizes for something horrible and Republicans prepare to impeach with no evidence.
(Very) Happy Friday! There are 437 days until the presidential election. Ohio Republicans try to rig the ballot, Dark Brandon hits the GOP where it hurts and a word about Fani Willis.
It’s Thursday. There are 438 days until the presidential campaign. Putin fires his chef, South Carolina goes back to the stone age and DONALD TRUMP IS GETTING ARRESTED TODAY!
It’s Wednesday. There are 439 days until the presidential election. Tennessee Republicans are fascist buttheads, a Trump witness sees the light and Doodie G gets arrested today.
It’s Tuesday. There are 440 days until the presidential election. Elon is PAB (but the P stands for Putin), Trumpers start surrendering and Republicans want to shut down the government.
It’s Monday. There are 441 days until the presidential election. Orangey won’t debate, a shocking murder in California and Biden heads to Hawaii.
Happy Friday! There are 444 days until the presidential election. Another Dark Brandon win, a top Trumper was at the Capitol J6 and a big orange chicken lays an egg.
It’s Thursday. There are 445 days until the presidential election. Republican judges push more of their BS on us, some Democrats need attention more than democracy and the GOP tries to get a judge killed.
It’s Wednesday. There are 446 days until the presidential election. Elon tried to protect Trump (shocker), America doesn’t really like Trump that much and Joe is heading to Hawaii.