Today's Big Stuff 9.27.21


It’s Monday. There are 407 days until the midterm elections. There sure were a lot of murders under Trump, a real president breaks ground on his library this week and a hijacked Supreme Court just can’t figure out why people don’t like them.

Warning: This is a cussin’ newsletter. It cusses a lot. A lot a lot. Like, its newsletter parents washed its mouth out with newsletter soap and that didn’t do shit to help. If you don’t like cussin’ (or you do like Republicans), this probably ain’t the newsletter for you.

Note: Helloooooo, you sexy mf’ing patriots!!!! We missed y’all like crazy this weekend! Did you miss us? No? Well, that’s probably a normal way to feel about a political newsletter, even one as hot as this. So this is going to be a crazy ass week in Washington. You know, as opposed to all those normal weeks. To be honest, we can’t tell you what’s gonna happen ‘cause we’re not real sure what the fuck IS happening. Because even for Washington, there is some messed up shit going down. So here’s what we know — To save Joe Biden’s agenda and possibly America, we need to pass the big bill that will make people’s lives better and that 81 million Americans voted for, we need to pass the infrastructure bill that even goddamn Joe Manchin was for and we need to keep the government funded so Mitch McConnell doesn’t get away with killing 6 million jobs. And while our side is busy trying to do all of this, Republicans will be warning us about being replaced by immigrants, making excuses for domestic terrorists and their orange daddy, trying to spread COVID like it’s the new gospel and just generally being dangerous, awful and dumber than dog shit. Yeah Rep. Debbie Dingell said this weekend that “it’s going to be a week from hell.” But this seems like good news. We just spent four years in hell, so surely we know where the good restaurants are by now. In all seriousness, shit is about to get nuts. But if anyone can get us through this, it is Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Y’all buckle up, and let’s kick some ass. More: Bloomberg

Note two: Admit it. Y’all thought the opening note was just gonna be us peeling paint off Chuck Todd and Meet the Press for having Megan McCain on this weekend. Well, that was the plan. But then we found out that her dad was John McCain. Did y’all know this? Yeah, that senator war hero guy. Crazy shit, right? We had no idea. More: Politics USA

Note three: We don’t know who Chuck Todd’s daddy is. We’re just glad it ain’t us.

Note four: So over the last couple weeks, we’ve had quite a few really smart, really good-looking folks join us for the Big Stuff as new subscribers. Welcome! We’re so fucking glad you’re here. This army of sexy patriots gets bigger by the day, and we are just so goddamn grateful to y’all for that. Truth is, everything is kinda fucked up pretty much all the time now. But here at TBS, we’ve got three things going for us — 1. We can make fun of the assholes who are trying to bring us all down until we’re all laughing instead of crying 2. We can cuss like some sonsofbitches while we do it and 3. We’ve got you — a whole lot of cool and sexy mofos who care about this country and common goddamn decency. How can we lose?

Note five: Don’t answer that last question. It’s rhetorical.

Note six: Last night Liz Cheney was on 60 Minutes and, among other things, she admitted she was wrong to throw her own sister under the bus on gay marriage. Isn’t that wonderful? We’re excited for five years from now when she realizes it’s wrong to kill puppies and drink their blood because she likes the taste. Look, we’re happy to have some pro-democracy help from like three Republicans. But we’re not about to forget who they really are. More: CNN

Note seven: There appear to have been elections in Germany. Presumably, someone won. Let’s hope they’re not orange.

(In all seriousness, Angela Merkel has been an incredible force for global stability, and we’re going to miss her.) More: CNN

Note eight: This story cracks us up. It’s about how Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glen Youngkin has done a great job of not appearing too Trumpy. And then it tells us he doesn’t know if he would’ve voted to certify Biden’s win. It’s pretty goddamn nuts the way the Beltway press has normalized a violent attempt to overthrow the government. More: Axios

Note nine: Speaking of which, Eric Boehlert wrote on this exact topic today. The press misses Trump. And it shows in their coverage of everything from Afghanistan to the president talking about his dead son. More: Press Run

Note 10: So here’s a question — why the fuck have the FBI and DOJ not arrested this person for election tampering? Is the plan to just let these folks get away with everything and hope they tire themselves out? ‘Cause we don’t think that’s gonna work. More: Washington Post

Note 11: So the governor of Texas is an absolute monster. And he’s getting worse by the day. More: Axios

Note 12: Oh and late last week he agreed to fake audit Texas’s urban cities because Trump told him to. Neat country we’ve got here. But don’t worry. We’re already hearing the results show Biden winning Arizona again. More: Washington Post, Dallas News

Note 13: Also from last week, the White House says President Biden won’t shield Trump’s communications from the Jan. 6 committee. This should be a no-brainer, but we’re still glad to see it. More: NBC News

Note 14: As Tucker Carlson now opens his show with a tiki torch that he uses to light a cross, WaPo’s Philip Bump says we shouldn’t allow this shit to get normalized. More: Washington Post

Note 15: Want a feel-good story this Monday? Check out this dumb mothertrumper getting his ass fired for being a dick. More: Yahoo

Note 16: We always read Will Bunch at the Philly Ink, and this week he’s got a crucial column about the future of democracy in the Keystone State. Philadelphia Inquirer

Note 17: Longtime readers know that we love our basketball. So we were pretty horrified to read this weekend about some NBA players who are refusing to get vaccinated. But instead of linking to that, we thought we’d share this interview with the Minnesota Timberwolves Karl Anthony-Towns. KAT lost seven people, including his mother, to COVID. More: Sports Illustrated

Note 18: We probably should have put this in the news section, but here’s some great news — Pfizer is looking at approval for the kids’ vaccine in a matter of days. But it only works if they don’t have stupid parents. More: CNN

Note 19: Well holy shit and hallelujah. After days of watching the Beltway press give out a free pass to Mitch McConnell for playing reckless games with the economy and 6 million jobs, the WaPo editorial board lays out exactly who is to blame if shit goes belly up this week. More: Washington Post

Note 20: So we’re not gonna touch the Trump rally in Georgia this past weekend. He’s a loser and we’re not so we didn’t watch.

Note 21: Ok, you gorgeous rock stars, let’s get to the news section. We hope y’all had a wonderful weekend, and we just know this week is going to be wonderful. Please remember that everything is a fucking mess and you’re doing amazing in unprecedented circumstances. We love y’all!

Trump the murder man

You know how Republicans are always talking about how Democrats are weak on crime? You also know how that’s bullshit? Well now here’s some numbers to back it up. Yeah, 2020 was murder time and that was on Trump’s watch. Between that and all the crimes he committed himself, we’re beginning to think he was completely full of it with all that law and order shit. More: CNN


Former President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama will oversee the groundbreaking of the Obama Presidential Center this week in Chicago. With everything bleak as fuck, this was some good news we were happy to see. And it will be a nice change of pace from Trump’s library which is just a Sean Hannity book and a couple of old soggy Playboys. More: CNN

SCOTUS Sucksus

According to a rather clueless WaPo story that leaves out the role Mitch McConnell played, the Supreme Court is worried it is being seen as politicized. Gee, we wonder the fuck why. The reality is the court has been completely hijacked by right-wing nutjobs, and Americans can see right through the bullshit protests of Amy Coney Barrett and Clarence Thomas. Is the court in trouble? Yeah. Because McConnell and Republicans put it there. More: Washington Post

Today’s clips

The Biden administration Monday morning took steps to save the Obama-era DACA program that shields hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children from deportation. More: CNN

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