Today's Big Stuff 11.10.21


It’s Wednesday. There are 363 days until the midterm elections. A judge says Trump’s Jan. 6 records are fair game, the Hatch Act doesn’t seem like a very tough law and some mixed economic news.

Be advised: Do you like cussing and typos? Then you’re going to love this fucking noseletter.

Note: Good day to you, sexy patriots! Oh hell yeah. We were hoping y’all had on your game faces today and you clearly do. And you picked a perfect day because it’s Hump Day and that means it’s time to huddle up. So bring it in, SPs. Closer. Closer. Ooh. Oh we see. You were leaning in to tell us we’ve used this joke before. Anyhoo, it’s important so y’all get in here. We’ve got cake. What? We do too. Yes, we have cake. What? Chocolate. Ok cool.

In case y’all haven’t noticed or in case you’ve been actively trying not to notice, President Biden’s poll numbers are in the crapper. We don’t think it’s nearly as bad as the extremes, but it doesn’t look great in the states. We’re sorry to be the bearers of being dicks but that’s just the reality of the situation and our side believes in all that reality shit. But here’s the good news — there’s a whole buttload of good news. Yeah, um, Joe Biden is leading us through a horrifying pandemic while bringing the economy roaring back. Has it always been pretty? No it has fucking not. This inflation is a sonofabitch. But man he is getting shit done. Take a look at this analysis we’ve linked to at the end of this note. We were told Trump was good on the economy. It was bullshit. He was good on Obama’s economy. Then he left us in a recession. He was an unmitigated disaster. And if you look, Biden is leaving Trump in the dust when it comes to creating jobs and the stock market. The numbers do not lie. We’re coming out of hell. Slowly. Let’s hope the president’s numbers follow, and let’s work to spread the word.

Now we’ve got something really really fucking terrible to tell you. Um, we don’t actually have any cake. Yeah, we know. It’s really messed up. We’re sorry. But you know, it was a huddle, and we had to have you there. Still, we are sorry we lied. It’s almost unforgivable. We realize we’re basically like Politico Playbook. You know how they lie about being a political newsletter but they’re actually a front for the black market veal trade. Yep, they kill the little calves themselves with their bare hands while they’re writing the fucking newsletter. Like while they’re actually writing it! It’s some really sick shit. Of course this is just what we heard. Might not even be true. But you do hear a lot of bleating and heavy metal coming from their offices. Curious bunch over there. Breaks your heart to think about those little cows though. More: Washington Post

Note two: Forgot all about that cake, didn’t you?

Note three: Y’all sitting down? Because this is some truly shocking shit. CNN’s Chris Cilizza actually got something right. And he actually got something right about a powerful woman. Yeah, you should’ve been sitting down. More: CNN

Note four: Joe Manchin is out railing against the new inflation news this morning. Oh and his billionaire buddy is promising him a treat. Which one of these things will hurt the BBB bill more? More: CNBC

Note five: President JB is hitting the road to Baltimore today to talk about all the good shit he’s doing. We’re assuming Republicans are watching some weird anime tentacle porn or whatever the eff it is they do all day. More: Associated Press

Note six: Wanna hear some really great fucking news? By the end of the day, a million kids could have COVID vaccinations. Woohoo! More: NPR

Note seven: Three out of four Americans believe Facebook is bad for society. The fourth is the fucking asshole who builds pipe bombs in his spare time and poops in the shower. More: CNN

Note eight: Anybody else want to see the Mike Pence behind-the-scenes photos from Jan. 6? Yeah, we do too. More: Raw Story

Note nine: Joe Biden is calling out the GOP for trying to punish its members for fixing roads and bridges. We think this is smart. Democrats really need to hammer this shit. And the Gosar shit. Especially the Gosar shit. More: CNN

Note 10: Speaking of Gosar, he put out a statement yesterday saying that he doesn’t actually want to kill AOC or Joe Biden. He said he meant it symbolically. So we’ll just say this — motherfucker, everybody knows you don’t know what symbolism is. More: Media Matters

Note 11: Oh speaking of the Republicans who voted for infrastructure — they’re getting death threats. Yeah, pretty normal shit from a totally normal political party. CNN

Note 12: We do not have a good feeling about the Rittenhouse trial. Or the Arbery trial in Georgia. More: CNN

Note 13: Remember when big Republican donors were appalled that they had funded the scumbags who tried to overthrow the government? Well they got over it. More: Washington Post

Note 14: We love the way Joe Biden loves Amtrak. It’s just so corny and wholesome. When the last guy talked about trains, it got real gross real fast. More: Washington Post

Note 15: Stephen Miller and Kayleigh got subpoenas yesterday. We’re not sure they have anything to worry about. Other than their damned souls. More: CNN

Note 16: We think Jon Karl kinda sucks. But you should still read this. More: The Atlantic

Note 17: It’s not gonna be easy, but Team Biden sure does seem to be working hard on the supply chain issues. And we don’t know about y’all, but we haven’t had any trouble at all getting toilet paper. More: CNN

Note 18: Paul Rudd was named sexiest man alive. We’re calling bullshit. It’s all rigged.

Note 19: We’re kidding. Mr. Rudd is obviously very sexy. But not as sexy as you patriots. And on that note, let’s get to the news. We hope y’all have a fantastic day. The weekend will be here before you know it. Love y’all!

Hand ‘em over

Last night a judge said that Trump was neither a king nor a president and he needed to hand over the records from Jan. 6. They are due to be turned over to the Jan. 6 committee on Friday, but y’all know Trump and you know he’s going to be appealing furiously to try to delay and cover this shit up. Still, this was a good first win. More: Washington Post

Lucky 13

So the Office of Special Counsel found that the Trump White House repeatedly and egregiously violated the Hatch Act. Yeah, no fucking shit. They broke the law more than they took breaths of air. Anyway, this confirms what we always knew. It also confirms the other thing we always knew about laws not applying to rich white assholes. More: Washington Post


Well first the good news. Weekly unemployment claims are down to yet another pandemic low. And now the bad news — inflation is at a 31-year high. Yeah, it ain’t great. Shit is expensive right now. But also, we’re still in a deadly pandemic that turned the whole goddamn world upside-down. So here are the practical effects other than it’s costing you a shitload to fill up your car — Manchin and the so-called moderates are gonna use this shit to water down and delay and maybe even kill the BBB bill. And yeah, that really sucks. More: Associated Press, Associated Press II, Washington Post

Today’s clips

U.S. President Joe Biden is planning to host an in-person meeting with the leaders of Mexico and Canada on Nov. 18, the first of its kind in more than five years, a source in Ottawa said on Tuesday. More: Reuters

The proportion of electricity the United States gets from solar and wind nearly quadrupled between 2011 and 2020. While geothermal generation remained relatively flat, the three technologies combined for an annual increase of nearly 15 percent over that stretch. More: Washington Post

Nearly a dozen Senate Democrats called on President Joe Biden on Monday to fight high gas prices by considering a release of barrels from the nation's emergency oil stockpile, or even taking the more extreme step of banning oil exports. More: CNN

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