Special Edition: Today's Big Stuff 8.6.22

Today’s Big Stuff Post-Scream Edition

It’s Saturday. There are 94 days until the midterm elections.

Be advised: We cuss and sometimes get words all ficked up.

Note: Hey, Sexy Patriots! We’re sorry to bug you on a Saturday, but we just wanted to thank everyone who went outside yesterday and screamed their fucking lungs out. We don’t know about y’all — or our neighbors — but we sure feel better.

We’re not gonna do a full newsletter today, but we did want to say thank you. We heard from a lot of folks who joined the Great American Scream, and it put a huge smile on our faces (and made us feel a little less crazy for coming up with this batshit crazy idea).

All in all, it was a great warm-up. But if we really want them to hear us, we’ll show up this November and vote like our country depends on it. Because it does. And we know you badass screaming mofos will be even louder then. We’re counting on it!

Have a great weekend, y’all. And if you need a good scream, please feel free to scream at your leisure. And if you’re not sure how to get started, just do what these Super Sexy Patriots did:) Love y’all!