6.24.24 Cruel

It’s Monday. There are 134 days until the general election. SCOTUS is gonna hurt trans kids for freedom, waiting for an immunity decision and it’s debate week, y’all.

Be advised: This newsletter uses profanity. And it’s probably gonna use a shitload of it this week.

Note: Hello, Sexy Patriots, and welcome to fucknuts week. Shit is about to get crazy, so buckle up. But before we get into the crazy, we wanted to take a second to note the fall of Roe, which happened today two years ago. Well actually, it didn’t just happen. Some corrupt fuckhead religious nuts are responsible for stripping basic human rights away from millions of women, and Donald Trump is the sick twisted piece of shit motherfucker who put them in a position to do it.

Since then, we have heard countless horror stories about American women and girls having to flee their states to get healthcare or be left to die. And those are just the stories we hear about. It breaks your heart and boils your blood to think of all the women and girls out there who have been forced to give birth by the Republican Party. It’s sick, it’s not the kind of country we live in and it’s just the beginning if those limp-dick fuckers get their way.

So today, let us remember what they have taken from us, who they are and that they won’t stop unless we stop them. Two years ago we got a painful lesson in what happens when we lose an election to Trump. Let’s not make that mistake again. Y’all have a blessed and angry day.

Note two: While we’re on the topic — fuck Neil Gorsuch, fuck John Roberts, fuck Amy Coney Barrett, fuck Brett Kavanaugh, fuck Clarence Thomas and fuck Sam Alito. We hope they all eat shit and then kiss our asses in hell.

Note three: Oh just some normal fucked up horrible Trump shit…

Note four: Remember when we were told Biden was gonna lose the youth vote? More: The Hill

Note five: The president of the Teamsters is speaking at the RNC. If the Teamsters can’t tell the difference between the most pro-union president of all-time and someone who spent his whole miserable life fucking over workers, then fuck them. More: New Republic

Note six: Krisi Noem said she hasn’t been vetted to be Trump’s running mate. Let’s all pray she doesn’t kill a puppy over it. More: The Hill

Note seven: We are not ever gonna be sick of Taylor and Travis. Fuck the haters. More: HuffPost

Note eight: Trump wants migrants to fight each other for our entertainment? What a totally normal non-psycho idea!

Note nine: We want to make sure you see VP Harris’s thoughts on Dobbs on this shit anniversary. More: NBC

Note 10: Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear is really fueling the 2028 speculation and we are here for it. Go Andy! More: WSJ

Note 11: After listening to all these Republicans call for Biden to take a drug test, we have finally decided they’re right. Biden should piss in a cup. And then wait a minute until Trump’s lunatic ass drinks it.

Note 12: Wanna get excited? Lauren Boebet could lose her primary tomorrow. Fingers crossed! And hands to yourselves! More: Independent

Note 13: HUGE congratulations to Sha’Carri Richardson who is going to the Olympics! More: CNN

Note 14: Mike Flynn isn’t just a traitor. He’s also a thief and a cheap con artist. More: RawStory

Note 15: Trump very clearly just read the 10 Commandments for the first time ever. More: Independent

Note 16: Yesterday was Clarence Thomas’s birthday. We hope it sucked.

Note 17: Trump bragged this weekend about how much he loves Cornel West and Jill Stein because they take “100 percent from them.” More: Newsweek

Note 18: Holy shit! Wonder Woman Lynda Carter is campaigning for Biden. We got this, y’all. More: Fox 29

Note 19: For today’s Happy Ending, we take you to Politico who actually managed to write an accurate headline for once. “Trump keeps flip-flopping his policy positions after meeting with rich people.” Thank you! Was that so fucking hard?! More: Politico

Note 20: And on that refreshing note, let’s go do some news! We sure hope y’all got some rest this weekend because this week is gonna be nuts. And we’ll be here with you for every fucked up second of it. Love y’all!


Today the Supreme Court decided to take up a ban on healthcare for trans kids. Now we know this issue ain’t cut and dry, and we’re not gonna tell you what to believe. What we are gonna say is that anyone or anything that pushes some poor trans kid to feel unloved or harm themselves is fucking evil. And we’re going to put SCOTUS in that category.

More: HuffPost


It’s not like those twisted fuckers don’t have other things to do. They’ve been sitting on the Trump bullshit immunity case for like 200 goddamn days. But we should find out on Wednesday just how fucked up things really are. That’s when we’re expecting decisions in the two big Jan. 6 cases they’ve been holding onto. Like we said, it’s gonna be a crazy week. More: AP

Let’s go!!!

And the day after we find out if presidents are actually kings, it’s gonna be hot in Atlanta. That’s where Joe Biden and Trump will face off in the first of two scheduled debates. If it feels like there’s a lot riding on this, it’s because there is. We have faith in Joe, but we’re still already so fucking nervous that we’re gonna need a whole lot of clean underwear this week.

More: Yahoo

Today’s clips

Two years after the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade forced abortion-rights advocates to rethink their messaging, Democrats are leaning into the issue, hoping to sway enough swing voters to propel President Joe Biden to a second term. More: NBC

The Biden campaign is blasting former President Donald Trump over abortion rights in a new TV ad coinciding with the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade and days ahead of the first presidential debate. More: CNN